Ex parte CAREY et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-0200                                                         
          Application No. 08/202,860                                                   

          said plurality of different characteristics from said                        
          identifying step was identified;                                             
               ranking each of said suspect items to indicate the                      
          relative likelihood that each of said suspect items is the                   
          source of the error, wherein the relative likelihood of a                    
          suspect item being the source of the error is determined by a                
          characteristic exhibited by said suspect item and said one of                
          said plurality of weights associated with said characteristic;               
               reentering the amounts for the items in the out-of-                     
          balance transaction until the transaction balances, wherein                  
          said reentering step begins with said suspect item which is                  
          the most likely source of the error and progresses toward the                
          item which is the least likely source of error; and                          
               checking whether the transaction is balanced after each                 
          amount is reentered, whereby said reentering step is completed               
          upon detection of the transaction being balanced.                            
               The Examiner relies on the following prior art:                         
          Elischer et al. (Elischer)    5,040,226                 Aug. 13,             
          Lyke et al. (Lyke)            5,151,948                 Sep. 29,             
               Claims 28, 33, 37, and 38 stand finally rejected under 35               
          U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Lyke in view of                      
          Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellants and the                    
          Examiner, reference is made to the Brief and Answer for the                  
          respective details thereof.                                                  


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