Ex parte CAREY et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1997-0200                                                         
          Application No. 08/202,860                                                   

          and equivalents thereof.  Appellants, however, have pointed to               
          nothing specific, within the specification, that we are to                   
          construe the claims to cover.  Appellants have not directed us               
          to any corresponding structure within the specification to                   
          which any of the claimed “means” refers nor have Appellants                  
          indicated what is to be construed as “equivalents thereof” or                
          why the structure and steps disclosed by Lyke and Elischer may               
          not be considered to be “equivalent.”  Accordingly, we are not               
          persuaded by Appellants’ Donaldson argument and, therefore,                  
          the Examiner’s obviousness rejection of claims 33 and 38 is                  
               In summary, we have sustained the Examiner’s 35 U.S.C.                  
          § 103 rejection of all of the claims on appeal.  Therefore,                  
          the decision of the Examiner rejecting claims 28, 33, 37, and                
          38 is affirmed.                                                              


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