Ex parte CANTRELL et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-1184                                                        
          Application No. 08/206,706                                                  

               Claim 1 is illustrative of the claimed invention, and it               
          reads as follows:                                                           
               1.   A method of managing a file system cache in a client              
          computer system operating under a first operating system, the               
          method comprising the steps of:                                             
               intercepting operating system requests for a file system               
          object in a distributed file system;                                        
               transforming said requests to remove operating system                  
          dependent syntax;                                                           
               testing a cache in a storage means of said client for the              
          presence of file system object data based on said transformed               
               satisfying said transformed request for said file system               
          object data, if cache data exists[;]                                        
               testing to determine whether a connection exists to said               
          distributed file system;                                                    
               generating a request for said file system object from                  
          said distributed file system, without regard to distributed                 
          file system protocol, if no cache data exists and there is a                
               transmitting said request to said distributed file                     
          system; and                                                                 
               rejecting said file system object request, if no cache                 
          data exists and there is no connection.                                     
               The references relied on by the examiner are:                          
          Huston et al. (Huston), “Disconnected Operation for AFS,”                   
          Proceedings of the USENIX Mobile and Location-Independent                   
          Computing Symposium, 1-10 (August 2-3, 1993).                               


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