Ex parte IWASAWA et al. - Page 16

          Appeal No. 1997-1212                                                        
          Application 08/017,839                                                      

          compiler decide whether the program is now parallelizable.                  
          The user does not decide in Padua.                                          
               Appellants' arguments are not persuasive of                            
          non-obviousness.  The rejection of claim 1 is sustained.                    
          Dependent claims 2 and 3 have not been separately argued                    
          and, so, these claims stand or fall together with claim 1.                  
          The rejection of claims 2 and 3 is sustained.  Appellants                   
          mention claim 4 (Br14), but do not provide any argument in                  
          support of patentability.  See 37 CFR § 1.192(c)(7) ("Merely                
          pointing out differences in what the claims cover is not an                 
          argument as to why the claims are separately patentable.").                 
          Claim 4 falls with claim 1.  The rejection of claim 4 is                    
               Independent claims 9 and 12 include limitations for                    
          analysis, receipt of user feedback, and performing                          
          subsequent analysis which correspond to claim 1.  Appellants                
          do not argue the step of "inserting . . . a program                         
          statement" (claim 9) or the step of "either inserting a                     
          program statement . . . or compiling" (claim 12) and, so, we                
          do not address these limitations.  See 37 CFR                               
          § 1.192(c)(8)(iv) (argument must address the errors                         

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