Ex parte CLEMENCE et al. - Page 4

              Appeal No. 1997-1280                                                                Page 4                
              Application No. 08/356,912                                                                                

              present claims.  See Brief, page 3.  However, on the record before us there are three                     
              Declarations of Michel Fortin.                                                                            
                     The first Declaration submitted, February 8, 1995, as part of a preliminary                        
              amendment compares  N-[2,3-dihydro-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1H-inden-1-yl]-3,4-dimethoxy-N-                     
              methyl-benzene- acetamide, representative of the prior art, with N-[2,3-dihydro-2-(1-                     
              pyrrolidinyl)-1H-inden-1-yl]-4-trifluoromethyl-N-methyl-benzene- acetamide, compound 5 of                 
              the specification and  N-[2,3-dihydro-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1H-inden-1-yl]-2,4-dinitro-N-methyl-             
              benzene- acetamide, compound 18 of the specification.  Declarant tested the ability of the                
              compounds as analgesics by measuring the concentration of the product necessary to                        
              displace 50% of specific radioactivity fixed on the receptor studied.  The tests showed that              
              the examples of the invention, compounds 5 and 8,  needed to be present in a far smaller                  
              concentration than the dimethoxy compound of the prior art.                                               
                     The second Declaration, submitted July 20, 1995, made the same comparison using                    
              the same prior art compound, examples 5 and 18 of the specification, but additionally                     
              included Example 28 of the specification, N-[2,3-dihydro-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1H-inden-1-yl]-4-             
              nitro-N-methyl-benzene- acetamide.  Declarant again tested the ability of the compounds as                
              analgesics by measuring the concentration of the product necessary to displace 50% of                     
              specific radioactivity fixed on the receptor studied.  The tests likewise showed that the                 

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