Ex parte BEER et al. - Page 4

            Appeal No. 1997-1849                                                                              
            Application 08/414,180                                                                            

                                                 THE ISSUE                                                    
                   The issue presented for review is whether the examiner erred in rejecting claims 28        
            through 45 and 47 through 50 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, as based on a non-           
            enabling disclosure.  More specifically, the question arises under the “how to use”               
            requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, i.e., whether the examiner erred in              
            concluding that the instant specification would not have enabled any person skilled in the        
            art to use the claimed invention throughout its scope without undue experimentation.              

                   Our deliberations in this matter have included evaluation and review of the following      
            materials: (1) the instant specification, including all of the claims on appeal; (2)  applicants' 
            Appeal Brief (Paper No. 20), including the Epstein Declaration filed under the provisions of      
            37 CFR § 1.132 and the above-cited Amit reference, attached thereto; and (3) the                  
            Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 21).                                                                 
                   On consideration of the record, including the above-listed materials, we reverse the       
            examiner's rejection.                                                                             



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