Ex parte BEER et al. - Page 7

            Appeal No. 1997-1849                                                                              
            Application 08/414,180                                                                            

            based on a non-enabling disclosure to the extent that they read on (1) a method for treating      
            an addictive, compulsive disorder caused by cocaine abuse, or (2) a method for treating           
            drug dependence caused by cocaine abuse.                                                          
                   Third, a patent specification is directed not to the layman, but rather to a person        
            having ordinary skill in the art.  In re Folkers, 344 F.2d 970, 975-76, 145 USPQ 390, 394         
            (CCPA 1965).  A specification need not teach, and preferably omits, what is well-known in         
            the art.  Hybritech, Inc. v. Monoclonal Antibodies, Inc., 802 F.2d 1367, 1385,                    
            231 USPQ 81, 94 (1986), cert. denied, 480 U.S. 947 (1987).  Here, specification testing           
            establishes the capability of representative 1-(substituted-phenyl)-3-azabicyclo-                 
            [3.1.0]hexanes to inhibit the neuronal reuptake of 5-serotonin, norepinephrine, and               
            dopamine in rat brain crude synaptosomal preparations at concentrations consistent with           
            the ability to serve as agents for treating addictive behaviors such as cocaine abuse             
            (specification, pages 24 through 26).  Given the results of that testing, persons having          
            ordinary skill in the art would not doubt the objective truth of statements in applicants'        
            specification that 1-(substituted-phenyl)-3-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexanes not only attenuate           
            voluntary ethanol consumption in rats and humans but also serve as agents for treating            
            addictive behavior such as cocaine abuse.  See the Amit reference, attached to                    
            applicants' Appeal Brief, suggesting that the effects of 5-HT(serotonin) uptake inhibitors        
            are global in nature and not specific to any single consummatory behavior.                        


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