Ex parte LE MOUEL et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-1982                                                        
          Application No. 08/483,886                                                  

               Claim 1, the only independent claim, recites "[a] signal               
          transmission performance optimization device ... comprising:                
          ... control means for controlling a relative phase between two              
          propagation modes transmitted via said optical link for at                  
          least one of said send end unit and said receive end unit"                  
          (underlining added for emphasis).  Appellants argue (Brief,                 
          page 7) that the claimed invention is directed to optimizing                
          the transmitted signal whereas Heichler relates to optimizing               
          the recovered signal.  In response, the examiner asserts                    
          (Answer, page 7) that the phrase "for at least one of said                  
          send end unit and said receive end unit" indicates that "the                
          localization of the optimization can be either the send or                  
          receive end units."                                                         
               To interpret the phrase as the examiner has, to mean that              
          the control can be of either the transmitted or the received                
          signal, requires one to ignore both the specification and also              
          other recitations in the claim.  The claim is clearly directed              
          to optimizing signals transmitted from the send unit, as is                 

          the claim (as printed in the appendix to the Brief).  As the examiner has not
          raised as an issue any indefiniteness in the claim, we will refrain from    
          discussing this any further.                                                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007