Appeal No. 1997-2049 Application 08/431,130 respective positions expressed by appellants and the examiner, it is our determination that the standing § 103 rejection of claims 3-19 should not be sustained. Our reasons follow. According to appellants (specification, pages 1-2), it is conventional in the automotive service industry to employ an auxiliary diagnostic tool known as a scan tool, typically hand held, to interface with the on-board controller of a vehicle to aid in diagnosing problems. An alleged problem with known scan tools is their inability to accommodate a wide variety of automobile models without requiring substantial hardware and software modification. Appellants’ solution to this alleged problem is to provide an off-board master controller “to interface to the scan tool and provide[] sophisticated updating and diagnostic capabilities not feasible to include in the scan tool itself” (specification, page 3). This solution is reflected in independent claim 3 by claim language calling for a service tool comprising (1) an off-board master controller having a processor and memory means, and (2) a hand held tool having (a) memory and processing means, (b) a first 3Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007