Ex parte ROSENFELD et al. - Page 2

          Appeal 1997-2572                                                            
          Application 08/220,562                                                      

               A.   Findings of fact                                                  
               The record supports the following findings by a                        
          preponderance of the evidence.                                              
                                     The claims                                       
                    1.   The claims on appeal are claims 1-22.                        
                    2.   Claim 1 reads as follows (certain indentation,               
          matter in bold and matter in brackets added):                               

               A solution consisting essentially of[:]                                
               (I)       an organic solvent; [and]                                    
               (II)      a polyamic acid consisting essentially of the                
                         reaction product of[:]                                       
                         (A) a dianhydride selected from the group                    
                              consisting of[:]                                        
                              [1] 3,3',4,4'-biphenyltetracarboxylic                   
                                   dianhydride [BPDA],                                
                              [2] bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)ether                       
                                   dianhydride [ODPA], and                            
                              [3] mixtures thereof; and                               
                         (B) total diamine in a molar ratio with said                 
                              dianhydride of about 1:2 to about 2:1,                  
                              where said total diamine consists                       
                              essentially of[:]                                       
                              (1) about 1 to about 30 mole %, based on                
                                   total diamine, of a siloxane-                      
                                   containing diamine and                             
                                        - 2 -                                         

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