Ex parte MEYER - Page 10

                 Appeal No. 1997-3282                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/189,314                                                                                                             

                                                                           2                         3                                                  
                 have as "an essential character"  or "property"  thereof, a                                                                            
                 CDBI of greater than about 70 percent.  The fact that a                                                                                
                 certain result may occur or be present in the prior art is not                                                                         
                 sufficient to establish the inherency of that result or                                                                                
                 characteristic.  In re Rijckaert, 9 F.3d 1531, 1534, 28 USPQ2d                                                                         
                 1955, 1957 (Fed. Cir. 1993); In re Oelrich, 666 F.2d 578, 581-                                                                         
                 582, 212 USPQ 323, 326 (CCPA 1981).                                                                                                    
                          Contrary to the examiner's position, Shibano discloses,                                                                       
                 from column 13, line 37 through column 14, line 21, that:                                                                              
                          the release layer in the pressure sensitive adhesive                                                                          
                          products may be a polymer or mixture of two or more                                                                           
                          polymers.  In either case, it is important that the                                                                           
                                                                                              8               2                                         
                          shearing modulus is less than 2.0 X 10  dyne/cm , and                                                                         
                          that the surface wettability expressed in terms of                                                                            
                          an equilibrium contact angle with respect to a                                                                                
                          standard liquid is more than 55 , said liquid having    o                                                                     
                          a surface tension of 50 dyne/cm and used in JIS K                                                                             
                          6768 test.  The polyolefinic elastomers that meet                                                                             
                          the requirements as defined just above include                                                                                
                          ethylene-alpha olefin copolymers having a density of                                                                          

                          2Inherent is defined as involved in the constitution or                                                                       
                 essential character of something.  Webster's Ninth New                                                                                 
                 Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Inc. 1984.                                                                                     
                          3A "property" of a material is defined as a quality or                                                                        
                 trait belonging and especially peculiar to the material.                                                                               
                 Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,                                                                            
                 Inc. 1984.                                                                                                                             

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