Ex parte MEYER - Page 17

          Appeal No. 1997-3282                                                        
          Application No. 08/189,314                                                  

          claim 1 in that claim 12 does not specifically require a                    
          polyolefin polymer having a CDBI of greater than about 70                   
          percent.  The examiner stated in both the final rejection                   
          (page 2) and the answer (page 5) that claim 12 does not recite              
          a CDBI of greater than 70 percent, to which the appellant has               
          failed to respond.  As discussed supra, we agree with the                   
          examiner that Shibano teaches polyolefin polymers having a                  
          density of no greater than about .90 g/cc.  Furthermore, the                
          appellant has chosen not to argue the combination of the                    
          applied art used by the examiner in making the obviousness                  
          rejection of independent claim 12.  Since the appellant has                 
          not specified any errors in the combination of prior art                    
          applied by the examiner, or pointed to and explained how any                
          limitation in claim 12 renders the claimed subject matter                   
          unobvious over the applied prior art,  we will sustain the                  
          examiner’s rejection of claim 12 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).                  

               In light of the foregoing, we reverse the examiner's                   
          rejections of claims 1-11 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) and sustain              
          the examiner's rejection of claim 12 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)               
          based on Shibano in view of Kitano and Patterson.                           

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