Ex parte WATTS et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 97-3423                                                          
          Application 08/336,134                                                      

          claims 1, 10, and 19 and dependent claims 3 and 12, which                   
          appellants treat as standing or falling with claims 1 and 10,               
          respectively (Brief at 3).                                                  
               The rejection is affirmed with respect to dependent                    
          claims 4 and 13 on the ground that they are not separately                  
          argued. Appellants' explanation (Brief at 6 and 9-10) of what               
          these claims recite is not a separate argument.  See 37 CFR                 
          § 1.192(c)(7) (1995) ("Merely pointing out differences in what              
          the claims cover is not an argument as to why the claims are                
          separately patentable.").                                                   
               Turning now to the remaining dependent claims, claim 2                 
          specifies that the means for customizing the hardware                       
          configuration is capable of customizing common hardware in                  
          various docking stations.  This rejection is affirmed, because              
          appellants have not explained why Swindler's configuration                  
          software does not inherently have this capability.  For the                 
          same reason, the rejection of similar claim 20 is affirmed.                 
               Claim 5 recites, inter alia, first drive means for                     
          driving the tray and the portable computer "into and out of"                
          the housing.  Appellants' Figure 3 shows portable computer 13               
          and tray 39 in their "out of" the housing positions.  The                   

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