Ex parte WATTS et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 97-3423                                                          
          Application 08/336,134                                                      

               The Figure 40 screen permits selection of the addresses                
          for the LPT1 and LPT2 printer ports.  The table at page 32                  
          explains that the available configurations for "Notebook                    
          Only," "MicroDock & Notebook," and "DeskTop & Notebook" are,                
          respectively, "1 thru 4," "1 thru 2," and "1 thru 2."  No                   
          "Custom" option is provided.  Asterisks indicate that the                   
          communication port numbers are automatically set based on the               
          selected configuration number.  B.  The claims                              
               The independent claims are claims 1, 10, and 19, of which              
          claim 19, which is representative, reads as follows:                        
               19.  A method of connecting a portable computer to a                   
          docking station in a docking system, comprising:                            
               physically and electrically connecting said portable                   
          computer to said docking station; and                                       
               customizing a hardware configuration in the docking                    
          system for optimum performance.                                             

               The terms "customizing," "hardware configuration," and                 
          "optimum" are not defined in the specification and therefore                
          must be given their broadest reasonable interpretations                     
          consistent with appellants' disclosure.  In re Morris, 127                  
          F.3d 1048, 1054, 44 USPQ2d 1023, 1027 (Fed. Cir. 1997).                     
          "Customize" is defined in Webster's Third New International                 

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