Ex parte MERCHEL - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-3483                                                        
          Application 08/254,575                                                      

          unlocking a pledge lock used to lock one shopping cart to a                 
          string of other carts.  The insertion of the card moves a                   
          control member which unlocks a closure bolt, which releases a               
          coupling member of an adjacent cart and the cart can be                     
          released.  The card is seized and retained in the released                  
          cart and is released from the cart only when the cart is                    
          brought back and coupled back to the string of carts.  The                  
          invention is further illustrated by the following claim.                    
               Representative claim 20 is reproduced as follows:                      
               20.  In combination with at least two carts, a lock                    
          system comprising:                                                          
               a pledge lock on one of said carts;                                    
               a locking member of the other of said carts receivable in              
          said pledge lock and releasable thereform;                                  
               a card for operating said pledge lock, said card having                
          along an edge or on a surface thereof at least one recess or                
          at least one projection constituting a formation specific to                
          said card and distinguishing said card from cards free from                 
          said formation; and                                                         
               bolt release and card seizure means in said lock operated              
          by said formation upon insertion of said card into said lock                
          for releasing said member and seizing said card and for                     
          retaining the seized card until the member associated with the              
          other cart is inserted into said lock.                                      
               The references relied on by the Examiner are:                          


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