Ex parte KOPISH - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-0236                                                        
          Application No. 08/472,536                                                  

          each end of each of the bed’s side rails includes tabs for                  
          removably mounting the side rails on the posts.                             
                 In contrast to the invention defined in appealed claims              
          1 and 24, the side rails of Bianco’s bed 20 are not provided                
          with tabs for removably mounting the side rails on the                      
          patentee’s corner support posts 12.  Instead, the mounting                  
          tabs are provided on frame members 38 which underlie the bed’s              
          side rails to support the bed.                                              
                 The examiner concedes on page 6 of the answer that the               
          side rails of Bianco’s bed lack tabs for removably mounting                 
          the side rails on the corner support posts.  For this feature,              
          the examiner relies on the Nelson patent.  Nelson, however,                 
          lacks a teaching of support posts for mounting the side rails               
          of the bed. Furthermore, the devices 36U on the side rails of               
          Nelson’s bed do not mount the side rails on the rail-                       
          supporting structure, namely the headboard and the footboard                
          in Nelson’s bed.  Instead, these devices are in the form of                 
          latches for fastening the stringers 18U to the side rails.  We              
          therefore cannot agree with the examiner that the teachings of              
          Nelson would have made it obvious to provide the side rails of              


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