Ex parte KAISER et al. - Page 2

              Appeal No. 1998-0429                                                                                        
              Application No. 08/537,187                                                                                  

              processors.  An understanding of the invention can be derived from a reading of exemplary                   
              claim 6, which is reproduced below.                                                                         
                     6. A method for efficiently moving command and data blocks between storage and                       
              one or more auxiliary processors in an information handling system, comprising the steps                    
                     building a queue of command blocks for execution by an auxiliary function                            
                     first writing one or more command blocks to memory;                                                  
                     second writing a start address for each command block to an address FIFO                             
              associated with the auxiliary function processor;                                                           
                     reading a command block queue start address by the auxiliary                                         
              processor; and                                                                                              
                     processing the commands in the queue by the auxiliary function processor.                            
                     The prior art references of record relied upon by the examiner in rejecting the                      
              appealed claims are:                                                                                        
              Andersen et al. (Andersen)          4,409,656                   Oct. 11, 1983                               
              Menendez et al. (Menendez)                 5,113,494                    May 12, 1992                        
              INTEL 8089 Input/Output Processor,  iAPX 86/88,186/188 User’s Manual Hardware                               
              Reference, Chapter 4, pp 4-1 to 4-6,  4-15, 4-20 to 4-22 and 4-24 (1985) (INTEL)                            
                     Claims 1-10 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                          
              INTEL in view of Andersen or Menendez.                                                                      


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