Ex parte OOWAKI - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-0449                                                        
          Application 08/578,900                                                      

               an array of memory cells subdivided into at least first                
          and second memory banks;                                                    
               bit lines and word lines electrically coupled to said                  
          memory cells, respectively;                                                 
               an address bus section for said first and second memory                
               first data transmission lines independently provided for               
          each of said memory banks;                                                  
               column select lines for switching said bit lines of                    
          memory cells to said first data transmission lines; and                     
               column select signal latch circuits coupled to said                    
          address bus section and said column select lines, and                       
          respectively provided for each of said first and second memory              
          The examiner relies on the following reference:                             
          Pinkham                    4,683,555           July 28, 1987                
          Claims 15-28 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)                        
          as being anticipated by the disclosure of Pinkham.                          
          Rather than repeat the arguments of appellant or the                        
          examiner, we make reference to the briefs and the answer for                
          the respective details thereof.                                             
          We have carefully considered the subject matter on                          
          appeal, the rejection advanced by the examiner and the                      
          evidence of anticipation relied upon by the examiner as                     
          support for the rejection.  We have, likewise, reviewed and                 
          taken into consideration, in reaching our decision, the                     


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