Ex parte OOWAKI - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-0449                                                        
          Application 08/578,900                                                      

          column select signal latch circuits are considered to be the                
          tap latches of Pinkham or the tap latches in combination with               
          the column address latch and column decoder of Pinkham, the                 
          specific recitations of claim 15 are not obtained [reply                    
          brief, pages 1-3].  We agree with appellant.                                
          The examiner has read the claimed column select latch                       
          circuits on Pinkham’s tap latches 42-48.  These latches are                 
          connected to a decoder shared by the column select circuits                 
          and the tap latches [30, 52].  A single decoder [30, 52]                    
          provides column select signals to column select circuits 30 of              
          each memory as well as tap latch signals to each tap latch 42-              
          48.  The column select lines of claim 15 must be the                        
          unnumbered bus lines of Pinkham which connect the decoder [30,              
          52] to the column select circuits 30.  Note that this bus is                
          different from bus number 50 which connects the decoder [30,                
          52] to the tap latches.  If the tap latches are considered to               
          be the column select signal latch circuits of claim 15, then                
          there is no coupling of these circuits to the column select                 
          lines as recited in claim 15.  The tap latches are only                     
          connected to bus line 50 which is not the same                              
          as the column select lines which switch bit lines of the                    
          memory cells to the data transmission lines [I/O ] as recited               
          in claim 15.                                                                


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