Ex parte ABEN et al. - Page 16

          Appeal No. 1998-0870                                                        
          Application No. 08/325,015                                                  

          In appellants’ specification, the antistatic, light-absorbing               
          coating is dried following spin coating (page 7, lines 28-32).              
          As in appellants’ specification, Kinoshita also dries the                   
          antistatic coating (see, e.g., Preferred Embodiment 1).                     
          Accordingly, we do not consider any of the alleged                          
          “advantages” to be persuasive, because there is no evidence                 
          (e.g., comparative experiments) on this record to show any                  
          nonobvious difference between the subject matter of claim 1 on              
          appeal and the closest prior art, which is Kinoshita.                       
               Appellants contend that De Boer teaches the use of only a              
          single electroconductive species and would therefore lead a                 
          person of ordinary skill in the art away from the claimed                   
          combination of electroconductive particles (i.e., the                       
          combination of the antimony doped tin oxide and the                         
          polypyrrole).  Further, appellants urge that De Boer’s coating              
          requires a silicon dioxide matrix, which would lead one of                  
          ordinary skill in the art from the use of any discrete                      
          particles in addition to the latex particles of polypyrrole.                
          We, like the examiner, reject these arguments, because they                 
          ignore the collective teachings of all the references                       
          including Kinoshita.  The question is what the combined                     

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