Ex parte LE VAN SUU - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1998-1105                                       Page 3           
          Application No. 08/300,599                                                  

               Claim 13, which is representative for our purposes,                    
               13. A method for communicating over mains power                        
                         which carry AC power at a known power line                   
                         frequency, comprising the steps of:                          
                    (a) initially transmitting a message over the                     
                              mains power lines at a first bit rate,                  
                              without synchronization to the power line               
                              frequency; and                                          
                    (b) if no acknowledgment is received after said                   
                              step (a), then retransmitting at least                  
                              part of the message, at a second bit                    
                              rate which is lower than said first                     
                              bit rate, with error correction coding                  
                              and with synchronization to the power                   
                              line frequency.                                         

               The references relied on in rejecting the claims follow:               
               Baker                    4,479,215      Oct. 23, 1984                  
               Clark et al. (Clark)     4,829,526      May   9, 1989                  
               Sargeant et al. (Sargeant) 5,491,463    Feb. 13, 1996.                 

          Claims 1-7 and 13-16 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)                
          as obvious over Baker in view of Clark further in view of                   
          Sargeant.  Rather than repeat the arguments of the appellant                

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