Ex parte LE VAN SUU - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1998-1105                                      Page 11           
          Application No. 08/300,599                                                  

               Because Baker teaches varying a carrier frequency rather               
          than varying a baud rate, we are not persuaded that teachings               
          from the prior art would have suggested the limitations of                  
          "the sending, by the transmitter, at another transmission                   
          rate, of a correction message"; "the transmission, by the                   
          transmitter, at another transmission rate, of a correction                  
          message"; "said transmitter sends a new correction message ...              
          at a new transmission rate"; "retransmitting at least part of               
          the message, at a second bit rate which is lower than said                  
          first bit rate"; or "retransmitting at least part of the                    
          message ... at a second bit rate which is lower than said                   
          first bit rate ...."  The examiner fails to establish a prima               
          facie case of obviousness.  Therefore, we reverse the                       
          rejections of claims 1-7 and 13-16 as obvious over Baker in                 
          view of Clark further in view of Sargeant.                                  

               In summary, the rejection of claims 1-7 and 13-16 under                
          35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious over Baker in view of Clark                   
          further in view of Sargeant.                                                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007