Ex parte LE VAN SUU - Page 4

                 Appeal No. 1998-1105                                                                                     Page 4                        
                 Application No. 08/300,599                                                                                                             

                 or examiner in toto, we refer the reader to the briefs and                                                                             
                 answer for the respective details thereof.1                                                                                            

                          In deciding this appeal, we considered the subject matter                                                                     
                 on appeal and the rejection advanced by the examiner.                                                                                  
                 Furthermore, we duly considered the arguments and evidence of                                                                          
                 the appellant and examiner.  After considering the totality of                                                                         
                 the record, we are persuaded that the examiner erred in                                                                                
                 rejecting claims 1-7 and 13-16.  Accordingly, we reverse.                                                                              

                          1As an aside, we observe the appellant's incorporation by                                                                     
                 reference of details of a recognition circuit.  Specifically,                                                                          
                 "[t]his circuit, which is indispensable for devices working at                                                                         
                 several transmission rates, is described in detail in the                                                                              
                 European patent application No. 93 40123.1, which is hereby                                                                            
                 incorporated by reference."  (Spec. at 13.)  "In any                                                                                   
                 application which is to issue as a U.S. patent, essential                                                                              
                 material may not be incorporated by reference to (1) patents                                                                           
                 or applications published by foreign countries or a regional                                                                           
                 patent office ... or (4) a foreign application."  M.P.E.P.                                                                             
                 § 608.01(p).  So as not to offend this prohibition, the                                                                                
                 appellant may amend the specification to include the material                                                                          
                 incorporated by reference.  Id.                                                                                                        

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