Ex parte FITCH et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-1504                                                        
          Application 08/373,718                                                      

               fins, each of which is independently attached to the                   
               die, as recited in claim 1.  Pitasi does not cure                      
               these deficiencies.  Rather, Pitasi likewise teaches                   
               a single heat dissipator 14 formed as a plate 20 to                    
               which pins 24 are attached.  Although Pitasi teaches                   
               the use of a plurality of independent pins, each pin                   
               is not independently attached to the substrate 10,                     
               but rather attached as a group via the heat                            
               dissipator 14 by adhesive layer 22.  Hence, the                        
               means for independently attaching, as recited, in                      
               claim 1, and thus the recited multiple independent                     
               fins which are independently                                           

               attached to a die, are lacking in the applied art                      
               combination, both in terms of what is disclosed and                    
               what would be motivated by that which is disclosed.                    
               [Reply brief-page 5.] [Emphasis added.]                                
                    The Examiner’s position is “One skilled in the                    
          thermal art would realize that a heat radiator, heat sink or                
          cold plate can be composed of numerous parts as norm in the                 
          thermal enhancement art.”  (Answer-page 4.)                                 
                    We understand and agree with the Examiner that a                  
          heat sink may be composed of several parts.  However, as                    
          Appellants have argued, Pitasi has preassembled these parts                 
          (i.e., pins 24) and attached them to substrate 10 as a unit                 
          14, not independently, as claimed.  We note the operative                   
          language of claim 1 as follows:                                             


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