Ex parte SCHREIBER - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1999-0410                                                        
          Application 29/063,883                                                      

          large embossments seen in the material of Satas Figure 1.                   
          Like appellant (brief, page 8), we are of the view that                     
          because the embossment pattern as well as the sizes and shapes              
          of the individual embossments constituting the pattern in the               
          claimed design differ significantly from that seen in Figure 1              
          of the Satas reference, the claimed design cannot fairly be                 
          described as a mere modification of the surface design pattern              
          seen in the sheet material of Satas.                                        

          Stated differently, and in accordance with the test for                     
          novelty in designs, we are of the opinion that the ordinary                 
          observer would view the general or ensemble appearance-effect               
          of the claimed design to be different from that of the surface              
          design seen on the sheet material depicted in Figure 1 of                   
          This being the case, we will not sustain the examiner's                     
          rejection of appellant’s design claim on appeal under 35                    
          U.S.C. § 102(b) as being anticipated by Satas.                              

          With regard to the examiner’s rejection of the claimed                      
          design under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) based on Satas, we do not                   

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