Ex parte SCHREIBER - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1999-0410                                                        
          Application 29/063,883                                                      

          agree with the examiner (answer, page 5) that the claimed                   
          design “presents an appearance remarkably similar to that of                
          the prior art.”  As we have already stated above, the overall               
          appearance of the claimed design is, in our opinion,                        
          significantly different from that of the embossed sheet                     
          material seen in Satas Figure 1. Moreover, we must agree with               
          appellant that it would not have been obvious to a designer of              
          ordinary skill to modify the surface pattern as seen in Satas               
          Figure 1 to emulate that of the claimed design.  For that                   
          reason, the examiner’s rejection of the claimed design under                
          35 U.S.C. § 103(a) based on Satas will also not be sustained.               

          In accordance with the foregoing, the decision of the                       
          examiner rejecting the claimed design under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b)              
          and § 103 based on Satas is reversed.                                       

          In addition, we find it necessary to REMAND this                            
          application to the examiner for a consideration of whether or               
          not a rejection of the design claim on appeal would be                      
          appropriate under either or both 35 U.S.C. § 112, first                     
          paragraph, as being nonenabling because the appearance and                  

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