Ex parte SCHREIBER - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1999-0410                                                        
          Application 29/063,883                                                      

          whether or not the new photographs filed December 5, 1997 have              
          introduced new matter into the application.  In this regard,                
          it is readily apparent from a perusal of the originally filed               
          photographs and those filed on December 5, 1997 that the                    
          photographs as originally filed create a somewhat different                 
          visual impression of the claimed design than that which is                  
          derived from looking at the newly filed photographs submitted               
          on December 5, 1997.  The lighter/brighter photographs filed                
          on December 5, 1997 show what is apparently a more detailed                 
          depiction of the upholstery film pattern than that which is                 
          discernable from the darker photographs which were originally               
          filed by appellant.  Thus, there is an issue as to whether or               
          not the change in the appearance of the claimed design                      
          occasioned by the newly filed                                               


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