Ex parte MAY et al. - Page 2

              Appeal No. 1999-0941                                                                Page 2               
              Application No. 08/756,424                                                                               

              dependent upon a rejected base claim.  No other claims remain pending in this application.   We2                    



                     Appellants' invention relates to a raised pavement marker comprising a generally hollow shell, a  

              base plate, a plurality of ribs extending between the base plate and the shell and a retroreflective lens

              positioned on the shell.  According to appellants, it is essential that the pavement marker have an      

              apparent flexural modulus greater than about 80,000 psi.                                                 

                     The prior art references of record relied upon by the examiner in rejecting the appealed claims   


              Taylor-Myers                       3,427,933            Feb. 18, 1969                                    
              May                                4,875,798            Oct. 24, 1989                                    
              Steere et al. (Steere)             5,340,231            Aug. 23, 1994                                    
              Webb                               1,028,832            May 11, 1966                                     
                     (British patent specification)                                                                    

              Appellants' admitted prior art (AAPA)  on page 18 of the specification and the TABLE accompanying        
              the specification.                                                                                       

                     The following rejections are before us for review.                                                

                     Claims 54, 63, 68 and 69 were canceled pursuant to entered Paper No. 31 after the final rejection.  The2                                                                                                
              amendment after final rejection filed July 31, 1998 (Paper No. 28) has not been entered.                 

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Last modified: November 3, 2007