Ex parte MAY et al. - Page 9

              Appeal No. 1999-0941                                                                Page 9               
              Application No. 08/756,424                                                                               

              not be capable of the type of flexure described by Steere, but is not accompanied by any evidence or     

              rationale to support this conclusion.4                                                                   

                     For the foregoing reasons, we shall sustain the examiner's rejections of claim 31 and of claims   

              32-44, 49 and 50 which stand or fall with claim 31.                                                      


                     To summarize, the decision of the examiner to reject claims 31-44, 49 and 50 under 35 U.S.C.      

              § 103 is affirmed.                                                                                       

                     Attorney's arguments in a brief cannot take the place of evidence.  In re Pearson, 494 F.2d 1399, 1405, 1814                                                                                                
              USPQ 641, 646 (CCPA 1974).                                                                               

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