Ex parte HIRSCH et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1999-1037                                                        
          Application 08/804,284                                                      

          appellant’s invention.                                                      

               In the present application, appellant has reasonably                   
          challenged (brief, page 12) the examiner’s findings with                    
          respect to Carney ‘112.  In response, the examiner has merely               
          reiterated (answer, page 6) that “[Carney ‘112] teaches that                
          it is known in the art to form collapsible members having                   
          different resistances to crushing” without pointing out where               
          this teaching is found in the reference.  Because it is not                 
          apparent to us on this record that one of ordinary skill in                 
          the art would have gleaned from Carney ‘112 a teaching of                   
          providing collapsible members of varying crush resistance in a              
          highway safety crash cushion, we hold that the examiner has                 
          not established a prima facie case of obviousness of claims                 
          11, 12 and 15 based on the teachings of Boedecker and Carney                
          ‘112.  It follows that we will not sustain the examiner’s                   
          rejection of claims 11, 12 and 15.                                          
                       New Rejections under 37 CFR § 1.196(b)                         


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