Ex parte HIRSCH et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1999-1037                                                        
          Application 08/804,284                                                      

          as called for in claim 11.  Nevertheless, the examiner                      
          considers (answer, page 4) that Carney ‘112 teaches this                    
          concept.  Based on this alleged teaching of Carney ‘112, the                
          examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to modify                
          the collapsible members of Boedecker by providing in the                    
          Boedecker device collapsible members having different                       
          resistances to crushing in order to increase the control of                 
          deformation of the collapsible members thereby increasing the               
          cushioning effect of the apparatus.                                         
               The thrust of Carney ‘112 is the use of a particular type              
          of plastic material, namely, high molecular weight/high                     
          density polyethylene (HMW/HDPE), to fabricate collapsible                   
          members for crushable roadway crash cushions.  We appreciate                
          that in Carney ‘112 the collapsible members of HMW/HDPE                     
          comprise cylinders that may have different diameters and                    
          different wall thicknesses (column 3, lines 59-61; column 16,               
          lines 52-54).  We also appreciate that Carney ‘112 discloses                
          that there are a variety of prior art highway safety crash                  
          cushions that utilize cylinders made of mild steel where the                
          wall thicknesses may vary from cylinder to cylinder (column 9,              
          lines 16-18; column 9, lines 21-23).  Still further, we                     

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