Ex parte WEST - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1999-1785                                                        
          Application No. 08/512,656                                                  

          concerning the propriety of the examiner's final rejection.                 
          In that regard, appellant argues that the finality of the                   
          rejection was premature, and that the examiner failed to                    
          sufficiently explain the pertinency of the cited references to              
          the claims on appeal.  We must point out, however, that under               
          35 U.S.C. § 134 and 37 CFR § 1.191, appeals to the Board of                 
          Patent Appeals and Interferences are taken from the decision                
          of the primary examiner to reject claims.  We exercise no                   
          general supervisory power over the examining corps, and                     
          decisions of primary examiners to issue final rejections and                
          the completeness of those rejections are not subject to our                 
          review.  See MPEP §§ 706.07(c), 1002.02© and 1201 (7th ed.,                 
          Jul. 1998).  Thus, the relief sought by the appellant would                 
          have properly been presented by a petition to the Commissioner              
          under 37 CFR § 1.181.  Accordingly, we will not further                     
          comment on or consider this issue.                                          

               The examiner states (answer, page 2) that “[t]he                       
          rejection of claims 11, 12, 15 and 18-20 stand or fall                      
          together because appellant’s brief does not include a                       
          statement that this grouping of claims does not stand or fall               


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