Ex parte STREET - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1999-1800                                                        
          Application No. 08/752,667                                                  

               Reference is made to the Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 13,              
          mailed February 9, 1999) for the examiner's complete reasoning              
          in support of the rejections, and to appellant's Brief (Paper               
          No. 12, filed January 19, 1999) and Reply Brief (Paper No. 14,              
          filed April 2, 1999) for appellant's arguments thereagainst.                
               We have carefully considered the claims, the applied                   
          prior art references, and the respective positions articulated              
          by appellant and the examiner.  As a consequence of our                     
          review, we will reverse the obviousness rejection of claims 1               
          through 21.                                                                 
               Claim 1 requires clusters of sensor elements with one                  
          gate line and one data line associated with each cluster, and               
          a sensor element in a cluster including a switch for                        
          discharging into another sensor element in the cluster.  The                
          examiner asserts (Answer, pages 4-5) that Street meets each of              
          these limitations.  Appellant, on the other hand, contends                  
          (Brief, pages 5-6) that Street fails to meet any of the                     
          limitations.   We agree with appellant.1                                                               

               Although the examiner lists APA in the statement of the rejection, APA1                                                                     
          is primarily a description of Street and, therefore, adds nothing thereto.  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007