Ex parte STREET - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1999-1800                                                        
          Application No. 08/752,667                                                  

               The examiner (Answer, page 5) has interpreted each data                
          line of Street as being associated with a cluster of pixels                 
          because it is connected to an entire row of pixels.  Likewise,              
          the examiner has interpreted each gate line as being                        
          associated with a cluster of pixels because it addresses an                 
          entire column of pixels.  However, if, for example, a row of                
          pixels were considered to be a cluster with a single data line              
          associated therewith, that cluster would not have a single                  
          gate line also associated with it, as required by the claim.                
          Instead, that cluster would have plural gate lines associated               
          with it, as each pixel in the row would be addressed by a                   
          different gate line.  In claim 1, though, a single gate line                
          and a single data line must be associated with the same                     
          cluster.  Therefore, Street's rows and columns cannot meet the              
          claimed clusters.                                                           
               In addition, as explained above, claim 1 requires a                    
          sensor element in a cluster to discharge into another sensor                
          element in the cluster.  The examiner has completely failed to              
          address this limitation.  As pointed out by appellant (Brief,               

          Further, the examiner focuses solely on Street.  Accordingly, we will limit 
          our discussion to Street.                                                   

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