Ex parte STREET - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1999-1800                                                        
          Application No. 08/752,667                                                  

          page 5), each element in Street discharges directly to the                  
          data line.  Street does not switch charge between elements.                 
          Therefore, Street again does not meet the claimed limitation.               
          In view of the deficiencies of Street and the lack of evidence              
          or explanation by the examiner to overcome such deficiencies,               
          we cannot sustain the rejection of claim 1 nor the claims                   
          which depend therefrom, claims 2 through 12.                                
               Each of claims 13 and 19 recites an array of pixels,                   
          wherein  each pixel constitutes a plurality of sub-pixels.                  
          Also, each pixel is addressed by a single gate line and a                   
          single (or, for claim 19, common) data line.  Thus, the sub-                
          pixels are equivalent to claim 1's sensors, and the pixels are              
          equivalent to claim 1's clusters.  As we have explained above,              
          Street addresses each pixel with a gate and a data line, and                
          Street shows no further subdivisions of the pixels.                         
          Therefore, Street is deficient for the same reasons described               
               Further, claim 13 recites that a sub-pixel translates                  
          charge to another sub-pixel (of the same pixel).  Similarly                 
          claim 19 recites that plural sub-pixels (of a pixel) translate              
          charge to the data line through one sub-pixel of the same                   

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