Ex parte RUDDUCK et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1999-2186                                                        
          Application No. 08/857,571                                                  

          property of the claimed material is not enough; rather, it is               
          well settled that for a reference to be effective via                       
          inherency, the claim limitation in question must be                         
          "inevitably present" in the reference, and must be "the                     
          natural result flowing from the operation as taught."  In re                
          Oelrich, 666 F.2d 578, 581, 212, USPQ 323, 326 (CCPA 1981).                 
          In the present case, the Schuler declaration establishes that               
          rubber, as generically disclosed by Lundy or Ranseen, might or              
          might not be effective as an eraser, depending on its                       
          particular composition, so that in those references an eraser               
          would not be "inevitably present," nor would the inclusion of               
          an eraser be the natural result flowing from the operation                  
          (use of rubber) taught in those references.  Since, as per the              
          Schuler declaration, not all rubbers are usable as erasers,                 
          the rubber body of the Lundy tee, or the rubber collar of                   
          Ranseen, are not effective to inherently meet or render                     
          obvious the "eraser" limitation of claim 1, and the rejections              
          of that claim, as well as of the other claims included in                   
          rejections (1) and (5), will not be sustained.                              
               Rejections (2) to (4) and (6) to (8) also will not be                  
          sustained, since the additional references applied therein do               

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