PITHA V. MULLER et al. - Page 14

                 Interference 102,413                                                                                   Page 14                        
                 Pitha v. Muller                                                                                                                       
                          In Sz-111 (PR 189, PX-20-52), the experiment apparently                                                                      
                 took place no later than February 22, 1982, which is the date                                                                         
                 indicated on the request for analytical services PX-20-51.                                                                            
                 The reaction product of BCD and epichlorohydrin was said to be                                                                        
                 formed during the experiment.  The substance was freeze dried                                                                         
                 to form a white powder substance.  There is no indication                                                                             
                 whether crystals were formed.  The solubility of the substance                                                                        
                 in water at 20 C is reported to be 13-14g/100ml.o                                                                                                            
                          4.  The Laboratory Notebook of Dr. Czajkowska.                                                                               
                          Exhibits PX-23 and PX-24 are said to be reproductions of                                                                     
                 the laboratory notebooks of Dr. Teresa Czajkowska (C).   The                                    24                                    
                 exhibits both appear to be a bound book with consecutively                                                                            
                 numbered pages.  Exhibit PX-23 contains pages C-1 to C-75.                                                                            
                 Exhibit PX-23 is said to contain research performed from                                                                              
                 October 19, 1981 to June 21, 1982.   Exhibit PX-24 contains  25                                                                       
                 pages C-101 to C-175.  Exhibit PX-24 is said to contain                                                                               
                 research performed from June 21, 1982 to September 17, 1982.                                               26                         
                          In C-70 (PR 282, PX-23-82), the experiment took place no                                                                     
                 later than June 9, 1982, which is the date indicated on the                                                                           

                          24PB page 9, lines 16-19.                                                                                                    
                          25PR page 259, lines 6-7.                                                                                                    
                          26PR page 259, lines 8-9.                                                                                                    

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