procedural matters."  Consideration of Interlocutory Rulings                
          at Final Hearing in Interference Proceedings, 64 Fed. Reg.                  
          12900, 12901 (March 16, 1999).                                              
               Bourdeau’s Brief                                                       
               Bourdeau maintains that Okajima’s claims 18-20 should be               
          designated as corresponding to the count.  Okajima claim 18 is              
          an independent claim.  Okajima claim 19 depends on claim 18.                
          Okajima claim 20 depends on claim 19.                                       
               At the heart of the issue is how the term “plane of                    
          approximate symmetry” should be interpreted with respect to                 
          Okajima’s claim 18.  Okajima’s claim 18 recites “[a] pair of                
          snowboard boots.”  Okajima’s specification defines the term                 
          “plane of approximate symmetry” in two locations, pages 4-5                 
          and 9.  The first definition is directed to a single boot.                  
          (Finding 19).  The second definition is directed to a pair of               
          boots.  (Finding 20).  The first and second definitions are                 
          different.  The plane of approximate symmetry will be                       
          different depending on which definition applies.                            
               Bourdeau contends, and it is not disputed, that the first              
          definition of the “plane of approximate symmetry” is the same               
          as the longitudinal median plane” recited in Bourdeau’s claim               
          27 (the count).  (Paper 49 at 7).  Bourdeau does not suggest                
          that Okajima’s second definition of the “plane of approximate               

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