JEON et al. V. CUPPS et al. - Page 28

          Interference No. 104,241                                                    

          does not establish the identity of what compound was actually               
          produced by Jeon or independently corroborate the statements                
          made on Jeon's notebook page but only serves to establish that              
          the notebook page existed on a certain date, allegedly prior                
          to December 17, 1993.  Hahn v. Wong, 892 F.2d at 1032, 13                   
          USPQ2d at 1317.                                                             
               In reaching this conclusion, we have not overlooked Jeon               
          et al.'s argument that the "representation of a Thin Layer                  
          Chromatography ("TLC") result represented by the rectangle on               
          the left-hand side of the page) which was performed                         
          immediately after the synthesis scheme" proves a pure product               
          was obtained (page 2 of Yoon T. Jeon's declaration filed as                 
          part of Paper Number 3 in this interference).  Neither have we              
          overlooked the fact that in Dhar's declaration Dhar has                     
          declared that:                                                              
               I observed the synthesis of the compound by Yoon T.                    
               Jeon. The date on which the synthesis took place is                    
               prior to December 17, 1993, although the date has                      
               been redacted from the copy of the notebook page.                      
               Nonetheless, the "representation of a Thin Layer                       
          Chromatography" on the laboratory notebook page does not                    
          identify the structure for the pure product allegedly                       

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