JEON et al. V. CUPPS et al. - Page 23

          Interference No. 104,241                                                    

          1368, 1373, 213 USPQ 196, 200 (CCPA 1982).                                  
               Additionally, Jeon et al.'s argument that "numerous                    
          compounds within the general class of two or three ring                     
          compounds attached to a 2-imidazolinylamino moiety, such as                 
          the compound of claim 29 and of the count, were known to be                 
          ligands for an "  adrenergic receptor" (page 6 of Paper Number              
          3) simply ignores the fact that Jeon et al.'s original showing              
          contained no evidence of any utility.  There is certainly no                
          evidence in the original showing which establishes that at the              
          time Jeon allegedly synthesized a compound within the count                 
          that the compound allegedly synthesized was known to be member              
          of a family of known compounds which possessed a common                     
          utility.  Jeon et al.'s pronouncement that Jeon synthesized                 
          the compound set forth in his laboratory notebook "with the                 
          certain expectation that the compound would have this utility"              
          lacks any support in the record evidence and is considered to               
          be mere attorney argument.  We also direct Jeon et al.'s                    
          attention to our reviewing court's decision in Fujikawa v.                  
          Wattanasin, 93 F.3d 1559, 39 USPQ2d 1895 (Fed. Cir. 1996).  In              
          addition to affirming the requirement for a showing of                      
          practical utility in establishing an actual reduction to                    


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