KIEL et al. V. GRAHAM et al. - Page 5

          Interference No. 104,352                                                    
          Kiel v. Graham                                                              

               Because on this record Graham has no patentable claim                  
          which corresponds to the existing count or any count proposed               
          by the parties, it is not necessary to decide Kiel’s                        
          preliminary motion 2 to redefine the count and to designate                 
          its claims 10 and 20 as not corresponding to the count.                     
          Accordingly, Kiel’s preliminary motion 2 is dismissed as moot.              
               Because party Kiel has admitted to the unpatentability of              
          its own claims 1-9 and 11-19, we find those claims                          
          unpatentable to party Kiel.                                                 
               It is                                                                  
               ORDERED that judgment is herein entered as follows:                    
               1.   Junior party DAVID H. KIEL and KEITH D. CHURCH is                 
          not entitled to a patent containing its claims 1-9 and 11-19;               
               2.   On the record before us, senior party LIONELL                     
          GRAHAM, JAMES R. HOLMAN, TERRY D. MATHIS, and MONTRI                        
          VIRIYAYUTHAKORN is not entitled to its application claims 37-               
               3.   The judgment so entered today is without prejudice                
          to the senior party’s presenting claim amendments and/or                    
          rebuttal evidence to the examiner to attempt to overcome the                
          holding of unpatentability as to its claims 37-45;                          


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Last modified: November 3, 2007