EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 48

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          Alternatively, a syndio-isoblock polyolefin with a                          
          syndiotactic sequence separating blocks of isotactic sequences              
          may have the following mmrrmm configuration:                                
                    \    \    \         \    \    \                                  
          The distinction is material to the issues presented in this                 
          interference because the pentad distribution data taken from                
          the C-13 NMR spectrum of a syndio-isoblock polyolefin having                
          the mmrrrrmm configuration and the average sequence length of               
          the isotactic and syndiotactic sequences calculated for that                
          syndio-isoblock polyolefin differ significantly from the                    
          pentad distribution data taken from the C-13 NMR spectrum of                
          syndio-isoblock polyolefin having the mmrrmm configuration and              
          the average sequence length of the isotactic and syndiotactic               
          sequences calculated therefrom.                                             
               (2) Syndio-isoblock olefin polymers having molecular                   
          chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are                    
          present and                                                                 
          the average sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units, eg.,                  
          polymers with mmrrrrmm configurations, are all hemiisotactic                
          olefin polymers, accepting the structural definition of                     

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