EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 51

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               produces a structure of polypropylene termed                           
               due to every other methyl group of the polypropylene                   
               above the plane in a Fischer projection.  Hemiisotactic                
               polypropylene is noncrystalline and can be used as a                   
               plasticizer with syndiotactic and isotactic                            
               According to Dolle, the average length of the isotactic                
          sequences (n ) and the syndiotactic sequences (n ) of theiso                                syn                        
          polypropylenes produced in accordance with Examples 8-12 of                 
          Application 08/147,006 (Spec., pp. 17-20) are:                              
               Dolle Examples           8    9   10   11   12                         
                    n         3.7  4.1  4.0  3.7  4.4                                 
                    n         3.7  4.0  3.7  3.7  4.5                                 
          On pages 3-4 of the Declaration of Andreas Winter                           
          (Winter)(Record of Party Dolle et al.(RD), pp. 3-4 (RD 3-4)),               
          Winter provides a triad analysis of the pentad compositions                 
          indicated by the C-13 NMR spectra reported for polypropylene                
          produced in accordance with Dolle’s Example 8, calculated the               
          average length of the isotactic sequences n  and the                        
          syndiotactic sequences n  for the polypropylene produced                    
          using the data from said triad analysis and Winter’s formulas               
          (I) and (II), and showed that the n  and n  values heiso     syn                              
          calculated correspond to the n  and n  values reported byiso     syn                                   


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