EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 57

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          corresponds to a different pentad, and the intensity or area                
          of each peak indicates the percentage of that pentad in the                 
          “stereochemical pentad compositions in the polymer” (Dolle                  
          Application 08/147,006, spec., p. 15, l. 13-14).  Compare the               
          pentad compositions reported in Table II of Ewen, U.S. Patent               
          5,036,034, from the C-13 NMR spectrum for the hemiisotactic                 
          polypropylene made by the process described in Ewen’s Example               
          IV (Ewen, U.S. Patent 5,036,034, col. 9, l. 11-22, and col. 8,              
          l. 21-29).                                                                  
               In light of our findings above, we understand why Winter               
          pointed (Declaration of Andreas Winter dated July 10, 1995,                 
          p. 2 (RD 2)) to the following statement in Randall, James C.                
          (Randall), “Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantitative               
          Measurements of Average Sequence Lengths of Like                            
          Stereochemical Additions in Polypropylene and Polystyrene,”                 
          Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, Vol. 14,               
          pages 2083-2094 (1976) (Randall, EE VI, p. 2086):                           
               For a sequence length measurement, an average number of                
               repeating units is desired that describes a typical run                
               of like stereochemical configurations terminated by                    
               opposite configurations on either end.                                 
          Randall’s statement is the key to the meaning to be given to                
          the phrases “syndio-isoblock polymer[(s)] having molecular                  
          chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are                    

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