EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 63

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          the basis of the Randall calculations” (RD 2), or otherwise                 
          correspond to, are defined by, or are derived from Randall’s                
          formulas.  Nevertheless, Ewen has not denied Winter’s                       
          derivation declarations.  Therefore, in the absence of any                  
          evidence to the contrary, Winter’s declaration, consistent                  
          with Buschermohle’s citation of Randall with respect to                     
          corresponding formulas (DE 9, pp. 38-39), that Winter’s                     
          equations (I) and (II) are derivations of Randall’s equations               
          (EE VI, p. 2089), are taken as fact.  Moreover, as evidenced                
          by pages 38 and 39 of Buschermohle, Thesis Universitat                      
          Hamburg, 1987 (DE 9), we find that Winter’s equations (I) and               
          (II), or derivatives thereof, were known in the art for use in              
          calculating the average syndiotactic and isotactic sequence                 
          lengths of polyolefins.                                                     
               Randall describes “[s]equence lengths of stereochemical                
          additions in vinyl polymers . . . in terms of the number                    
          average lengths of like configurational placements” (EE VI, p.              
          2083, Synopsis, first sentence).  Dr. Gauthier acknowledges                 
          (Second Declaration of William J. Gauthier dated November 19,               
          pp. 2-3, para. 4 (Record of Junior Party Ewen, pp. 36-37                    
          (RE 36-37); emphasis added):                                                


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