EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 70

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          sequence length is 3-50 monomer units are not new or conclude               
          that the same polymers made  by different prior art processes               
          would have been obvious to persons having ordinary skill in                 
          the art in view of prior art teaching, the patentability of                 
          Dolle’s new processes for making the old or obvious polymers                
          using the specific metallocene catalysts or the specific                    
          metallocene catalysts which Dolle alone decribes as useful for              
          making the old or obvious polymers is unaffected.  The                      
          patentability of a product does not depend on the                           
          patentability of its method of production and vice versa.                   
          In re Thorpe, 777 F.2d 695, 697, 227 USPQ 964, 966 (Fed. Cir.               
          1985).  The patentability of Dolle’s process of making and/or               
          metallocene catalyst for use in making syndio-isoblock                      
          polymers having molecular chains in which syndiotactic and                  
          isotactic sequences are present and the sequence length is 3-               
          50 monomer units does not depend on the patentability of the                
          product made.                                                               
               Next, Dr. Scott states (Declaration of Carl Scott, pp. 8-              
          9 (RE 7-8); emphasis added):                                                
                    I assume that Dolle et al by calling in their                     
               claims for a “syndio-isoblock polymer having molecular                 
               chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are               
               present and the sequence length is 30[sic]-50 monomer                  
               units...” did not intend . . . by the quoted language                  
               to call for syndiotactic polypropylene or isotactic                    

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