EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 65

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          “syndio-isoblock polymer[(s)] having molecular chains in which              
          syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present and the                    
          sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units” in Dolle’s claims to              
          read on                                                                     
          the syndiotactic, highly isotactic, or isotactic stereoblock                
          polypropylenes which, according to Dr. Scott, must inherently               
          include 3 monomer unit “mistakes” and are well known in the                 
          art (RE 4-5).  We find that Dolle clearly distinguishes the                 
          syndio-isoblock polymer[s] he describes from syndiotactic,                  
          highly isotactic, and isotactic stereoblock polymers which                  
          were known  in the art at the time Dolle’s applications were                
          filed (Spec., pp. 1-2).  Thus, it would appear much more                    
          reasonable from the teaching in Dolle’s specification to                    
          interpret the phrase “sequence length” in the phrase “sequence              
          length is 3 to 50 monomer units” as an average sequence length              
          to be consistent with Dolle’s examples.  This interpretation                
          is most consistent with Dolle’s concerted effort to                         
          distinguish syndio-isoblock polypropylenes having molecular                 
          chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are                    
          present and the sequence length is 3    to 50 monomer units                 
          from known polypropylenes having molecular chains in which                  


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