EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 62

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          the same respective average lengths which one skilled in the                
          art would have calculated using Winter’s equations (I) and                  
          (II) and the data provided in each of Dolle’s examples based                
          on a triad analysis of the pentad compositions from the C-13                
          NMR spectrum of each respective polymer (RD 2-3).                           
               Winter declares that equations (I) and (II) were known in              
          the art at the time each of Dolle’s applications was filed and              
          were known to be derived “[o]n the basis of the Randall                     
          calculations” (RD 2-3).  In support of his declaration, Winter              
          cites (RD 2-3) Buschermohle, Thesis Universitat Hamburg, 1987,              
          pp. 38 and 39 (Dolle Ex. 9 (DE 9)).   Ewen has not contested7                                        
          Winter’s declaration that equations (I) and (II)(RD 2) are in               
          fact derivable from Winter’s equations (III) and (IV)(RD 2),                
          equations which are equivalent to the equations appearing on                
          pages 38-39 of Buschermohle (RD 3; DE 9, pp. 38-39).                        
          Moreover, the derivation is apparent.  What is not apparent to              
          this panel is that Winter’s formulas (I) and (II) correspond                
          to Randall’s formula (23) for triads (EE VI, p. 2089), are                  
          defined “[o]n                                                               

              7    On pages 38-39 of Buschermohle’s Thesis, Buschermohle             
          cites Randall in support of her equations (note 93, 131)(DE 9,              
          pp 38-39, 139, and 141).                                                    

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