EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 66

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present as 3 monomer               
          unit “mistakes”.  The evidence indicates that                               
          the prior art syndiotactic, highly isotactic, and isotactic                 
          stereoblock polypropylenes, including the inherent 3 monomer                
          unit “mistakes” to which Dr. Scott refers, all have molecular               
          chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are                    
          present at a length of 3 to 50 monomer units.  However, the                 
          evidence also shows that conventionally produced syndiotactic,              
          highly isotactic, and isotactic stereoblock polypropylenes do               
          not have molecular chains in which syndiotactic and isotactic               
          sequences are present and their average sequence length is 3                
          to 50 monomer units when calculated in accordance with                      
          Winter’s formulas (I) and (II) or the formulas published in                 
          Buschermohle’s Thesis                                                       
          (DE 9, pp. 38-39).  Compare again the average sequence length               
          Dolle reports for the syndiotactic and isotactic sequences of               
          the polypropylenes prepared in accordance with Examples 3-12                
          of Dolle Application 08/147,006 to Winter’s calculations of                 
          the average sequence length for the syndiotactic and isotactic              
          sequences of the syndiotactic and isotactic-stereoblock                     
          polymers prepared in accordance with Examples 1, 1A, 20, 22,                
          22A, 33, and 33A of Ewen et al., U.S. Patent 4,892,851 (EE I),              


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