EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 69

          Interference 103,482                                                        
          Table II using Winter’s Equation (I) is 3.6.  The correct                   
          fraction for the pentad rmmr reported in Randall’s Table II                 
          is 0.037, not the 0.087 fraction Dr. Gauthier used for his                  
          calculations (RE 33; RE 46).  Nevertheless, Randall                         
          acknowledges that the fractions reported in Table II for the                
          pentads mmrm and rmrr, based on the C-13 NMR spectrum of the                
          particular amorphous polypropylene analyzed, have been                      
          questioned because of poor resolution and overlap of the                    
          corresponding peaks of the C-13 NMR spectrum of Figure 1 (see               
          footnote d to Randall’s Table II and Figure 1 itself).                      
          Accordingly, the evidence to which Dr. Gauthier points in                   
          support of his beliefs is questionable.                                     
          Even if we assume, however, that Randall’s Table II does                    
          describe an amorphous polypropylene having molecular chains in              
          which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present and the              
          average sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units when                       
          calculated by Winter’s formulas (I) and (II), we fail to see                
          how this evidence shows that the APJ erred in interpreting the              
          term “sequence length” in light of Dolle’s specification to                 
          mean “average sequence length”.  Even if we were to find that               
          syndio-isoblock polymers having molecular chains in which                   
          syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present and the                    


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